LOF SOLAR High Efficiency Color PV Expert 2011/10

[Hsinchu, Taiwan, Oct 14, 2011] 

LOF SOLAR High Efficiency Color PV Expert

樂福太陽能彩色電池 光電效率高


今年太陽能產業急遽轉為紅海競爭,在單多晶矽太陽能產業,樂福太陽能公司以「顏色」做為利基,保有其優勢。樂福太陽能董事長錢正治表示,太陽能電池為提高太陽光的吸收率,表面會施以表面抗反射鍍膜,而呈現藍色。但在建築應用上,最佳的視覺觀感是紅頂白牆;藍色顯得突兀,阻礙了消費者的使用意願。該公司領先業界,開發出全球最高效率轉換率的彩色太陽能電池,有紫、黃、藍、綠、金、磚紅及粉紅等多種顏色,同時推出花片、絨片及大理石花紋,也是唯一可在電池片上呈現企業指定的Logo 與圖案者,建築適用性更廣,也提供設計師及業主無限的想像與運用的可能。


「顏色」成為該公司的最大利基,近年與國內外系統廠合作建立許多實績,包括義大利的機場與停車棚、法國的紅屋頂建案、美國西雅圖機場、奧地利別墅、德國及加拿大等地的地標建築。錢正治表示,彩色太陽能電池片是由藍片加工而成,但得犧牲一部份轉換效率做為代價。樂福太陽能以特有的設備及技術,並採用高品質藍片,其彩色太陽能電池大約只損失1-3%轉換效率,光電效率在 16% 以上,優於其它同業。據了解,部分藍片廠商也投入生產彩色片,但轉換效率減幅達 20%,根本不具效益。錢正治指出,彩色太陽能電池屬於利基市場,使用量不大,以藍片量產機台來生產並不合適。樂福太陽能今年銷售量增幅近三倍,計劃明年下半年增設兩條產線,10 月取得 TUV 認證。


更重要的是,太陽能電池今年跌勢慘烈,彩色片顯出較大的抗跌性。通常藍片是以每瓦計價,樂福的彩色片卻能以片計價。其每片大約為 4 瓦。樂福堅持品質與價格,有時也因為價格因素失去訂單。去年法國一個裝置容量 9MW 的電廠,基於環境整體考量,使用綠色太陽能片;樂福一度有畿會成為供應商,最後因價格太高而失之交臂,但也顯出彩色太陽能片的確有其專屬的市場。


 News source: 經濟日報


 PDF download: LOF news.pdf

Lof Tile Red color solar cells installed on the rooftop in Italy 2011/09

[Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2011]

The residence in Italy with red tile roof has installed LOF’s Tile Red panels in 2011. Our client is very pleased to have the option of our famous tile red color. Now the home owner’s choice is no longer limited to the industrial-looking blue panels.


News source: LOF Solar Corp.


PDF download: historical tile red rooftop.pdf 

Lof Presents Green Color Solar Implementation 2011/08

[Hsinchu, Taiwan, Aug, 2011]

The beautiful with way to show a “GREEN”building: build it with high efficiency “GREEN”colour solar cell.

US Utah State University recently installs the Army Green® PV panels with 9,072 pieces LOF’s colour cells inside. Aesthetically, the vivid and fully-saturated green colour blends seamlessly into the neighboring mountains and trees. The classic and clean cell texture also integrates well with the building windows and façade. Functionally, these green colour solar shadings turn the sunlight into electricity, serve as shelter from rain, and block the excess radiation. It lowers the reduce the carbon emission and makes the building literally, green.


The colour photovoltaic offers green architects and landscape designers more artistic elements to integrate solar into architectures and environment. As in design, both function(high efficiency) and form(appearance & color) are equally important. None of it can be neglected. Currently on the solar market, only LOF SOLAR’s product possess both properties.


News source: LOF Solar Corp.

Lof Solar Featured on the Renewable Energy Focus Magazine 2011/08

[Hsinchu, Taiwan, Aug 2011]


LOF color solar cells can blend seamlessly into the environment.







News source: Renewable Energy China


 PDF download: 再生能源.pdf