World Expo 250kw Color Solar System Architectural and Engineering Design Finalized and the Construction Started 2009/12

[Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec 2009]

The world’s largest fair- World Expo, will be held in Shanghai next year. Over 200 countries and national organizations will participate, and more than 70 million visitors are expected to attend. Among all the magnificent exhibitions, there is the Crown of the East- China Pavilion.


The China Pavilion’s concept is to reconstruct the Yuanmingyuan, which was once the most gorgeous palace in the world. It will use LOF SOLAR’s three color solar cells: TILE RED, MEADOW GREEN, and LAKE CYAN in this 250kw PV project. This is to coordinate with the red Pavilion, green meadow, and the bluish green pond in the courtyard. The color harmonizes with the China Pavilion’s concept- showing the world China’s goodwill in global environment.There is no doubt that renewable energy will be the trend for our future. And by using solar BIPV, we would be able to access the infinite energy of the sun while still conserving the unity of one building, thereby reaching the ancient Chines teachings of continuum and harmony.


Creatively designed by LOF SOLAR, the color panels are installed on top of the outer wall’s edge, next to the official pedestrian circulation, making LOF SOLAR’s color panels a must-see for all visitors to the China Pavilion.


There is no doubt that renewable energy will be the trend for our future. And by using solar BIPV, we would be able to access the infinite energy of the sun while still conserving the unity of one building, thereby reaching the ancient Chinese teachings of continuum and harmony. Meadow green, tile red, lake cyan color panels to be installed on the Expo site. The supporting structure for LOF color PV panel has been installed. The color PV system will be completed by 2009.



LOF SOLAR has developed the first ever high efficiency color solar cell in the world. Our conversion efficiency is 30% higher than the competitor's products.


News source: LOF Solar Corp.


PDF download: 200912 Lof Solar Colorize The World Expo 2010.pdf

Italy Bari International Airport Powered by Lof Solar High Efficiency Color PV  2009/10

[Hsinchu, Taiwan, Oct, 2009]

From September 2009, passengers flying through Italy Bari International airport, will see the “Solar Marble” from the sky. These elegant marble-like solar panels are made up of 5400 pcs LOF’s designer solar cell. These colorized solar cells named stone elegance are not only beautiful outside, but powerful inside. LOF’s patented high efficiency color-coating technology made it possible to realize the 20kwp system with only 90 panels. No other color cell manufacturers can reach this record so far.  


News source: LOF Solar Corp.


PDF download: 200910_Italy_Bari_International_Airport_Powered_by_Lof_Solar_High_Efficiency_Color_PV.pdf

Lof Solar PV System Adopted by World Expo Shanghai 2009/09

[Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sep 10, 2009]

Lof Solar PV System Adopted by World Expo Shanghi













樂福太陽能發電系統 獲上海世博會館採用



2010上海世界博覽會為更有效地提倡節能減碳的環保觀念,推廣太陽能光電系統的應用,上海世博局與台灣樂福太陽能公司合作在博覽會中國館主館週邊園林造景之BIPV工程,工程名稱為「2010 年上海世界博覽會中國館彩色太陽能發電系統」。這套彩色太陽能發電系統設置在中國館週邊園林造景邊牆 (女兒牆) 上,裝置容量約為250kWp彩色太陽電池組列,其所產生之電力將能優先供應主館地下室各項常備電力如照明、空調之所需。除了展現台灣科技創新的領先地位 之外,也充分發揮藝術之美感,在結合環保節能與建築美學的應用上領先國際。中國館將為極少數之永久館,六個月的會展期間,預計有七千萬人參觀此館。


為配合上海世博會工期,樂福太陽能公司將於2009 年9 月底前向海內外有名望之企業與團體及個人進行募捐,並於11月中前完成組列設置施工。同時,此項發電工程亦為中華民國台灣唯一對「中國館」之組建有所貢獻者,此項捐贈將能表達台灣同胞支持之美意。

樂福太陽能利用獨步全球的技術“雙色太陽光電池”,配合設計上的巧思,將所有捐贈者的姓名與捐贈者對世博會的祝福都呈現在彩色太陽能發電系統中帶進 2010上海世界博覽會,展現在世人面前。 捐贈者的捐款額度以一萬美元為單位,每捐一萬美元,樂福公司會以一片6吋雙色太陽光電池,配合設計上的巧思,”寫”上捐贈者的姓名置入彩色太陽能模組 (組件) 中,目前已獲得茂迪能源左元淮董事長一萬美元捐款,屆時將於適當時機於上海世博局舉行各捐贈企業與團體之聯合捐贈典禮,以表彰企業與團體在綠色清潔能源對 環境保護之貢獻與推廣。


News source: 電子時報 DIGITIMES 原文網址:樂福太陽能發電系統 獲上海世博會館採用

Lof Color Solar Cell Featured in the Journal of Taiwan Vacuum Society 2009/06

[Hsinchu, Taiwan, Jun 2009]

Now the homeowner's choice is no longer limited to the industrial-looking blue panels.


Tile Red

For residential roof applications, the option is no longer limited to cold blue or black; our Spanish style fired-clay TILE RED can blend seamlessly into your roof. Don’t let the dull blue solar box destroy the beauty of your home. The roof of your house can remain warm and attractive.



For public or corporate buildings, our GREEN solar façade can showcase the green energy by which your organization is painting the earth green, doing good deeds to the community, and fulfilling the social responsibility as a green villager.


News source: Taiwan Vacuum Society 


PDF download: 2009 真空科技 TVS2.pdf

Lof Exhibit Latest Product in Taipei Opto-Electro Expo 2009/06

[Hsinchu, Taiwan, Jun 10, 2009]


6月10日,2009 臺北國際光電周暨平面顯示器展在臺北開幕,共有550家廠商參展,通過1300多個攤位向觀眾展示。在太陽能電池展區,觀眾可以看到各種各樣的太陽能電池及相關産品,有透光型電池、聚光型電池,還有個人型太陽能電站。不過,最吸引眼球的是這種彩色太陽能電池板。它一改以前單一的藍色和灰色,令人耳目一新。樂福太陽能股份有限公司 黃中廷:樂福創造這些彩色太陽能電池是採用了許多建築師、營造商的要求,他們希望太陽能電池除了環保節能以外,也可以和他們的大樓、建築有一完美結合,樂福兩年前開始陸陸續續推出一係列不同色彩,包括龍片和花片,單晶和多晶硅這樣的太陽能電池片。據介紹,這些彩色的電池板可以按使用者要求進行封裝,可以做成100%防水玻璃、也可以做成紅色磚瓦形狀,從而讓太陽能電池不光具有發電功能,也會更美觀、實用。


News source: 新華社記者張勇、余福卿臺北報道。

Lof Solar Launches the World's First Bi-color PV cell 2009/06

[Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 2009]

LOF SOLAR CORP. have developed technologies which make solar cells colorful while maintains extremely high conversion efficiency.



推出全球首片「單片雙色」 廣受BIPV市場青睞


專業彩色太陽能電池廠樂福近期推出全球首片「單片雙色」太陽能電池,並進入量產階段,可供應一體型太陽能電池模板(Building-integrated photovoltaic;BIPV)系統業者或建築師更多建材選擇,頗受建築設計市場青睞。












 News source: Digitimes


 PDF download: digitimes news_LOF.pdf

Lof Color Solar Cell Featured in Asia Nano Forum Newsletter 2009/02

[Hsinchu, Taiwan, Feb 2009]

Color Solar Cell

Engineers at Lof Solar Corp, a Hsinchu Science Park based solar cell manufacturer in Taiwan, have developed technologies which make solar cells colorful while maintains extremely high conversion efficiency. The heart of the technologies is to employ nano-scale structures which controls and manipulates the incident sunlight. As a result, most of the photons will contribute to power generation while only few photons with specific frequencies will be reflected and give colors to the cells. Currently, Lof Solar provides at least ten different colors for their products with extremely high efficiencies. Fig 1 show five different color solar cells which will be mass produced QI this year. Fig 2 shows SEM micrograph of the top view of the color solar cells.


 News sourec: Asia Nano Forum


 PDF download: asia nano forum society newsletter.pdf